James C. Work

James C. Work grew up in a rustic cabin camp on the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park. After completing his Ph.D. at the University of New Mexico he went on to publish more than sixteen books including the award-winning Prose and Poetry of the American West and Following Where the River Begins. He is also the author of six mythical westerns of the Keystone Riders series, a collection of stories from the 1880s with themes from the King Arthur chronicles. 

His Ranger McIntyre Mystery series set in the 1920s in Rocky Mountain National Park include: Unmentionable Murders; Small Delightful Murders; The Dunraven Hoard Murders; The Stones of Peril; The Mystery of the Missing Bierstadt, all of which are now available from Encircle in paperback and ebook; and two new entries coming from Encircle in 2023, The Big Elk Murders and The Lawn Lake Murders. James lives and writes in Colorado and is working on the next Ranger McIntyre Mystery.

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