It’s 1923 and Rocky Mountain National Park is scarcely eight years old. District Ranger Tim McIntyre is investigating the unlawful killing of three elk. Gala Book—eleven-year-old daughter of the local barber—has befriended one particularly huge bull elk and decides to protect it by leading it into the safety of the park’s backcountry.
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Elk are not the only endangered animals, either. While someone’s killing elk to get the “whistler” ivory teeth, some Denver criminals are “harvesting” deer and elk for a political big-game supper event. Our ranger, fearing for young Gala’s safety, agrees to lead the giant elk into a remote valley, only to become stranded himself. This leaves it up to his lady detective friend, Vi Coteau, to form a posse and stop the poachers. Before it’s all over, McIntyre will have to engage in a deadly gunfight, and three men will be murdered.